rescue detox

Rescue Cleanse Ice Detox Drink 32oz
If you have a urine test coming up, or if you want to remove toxins from your system quickly and replace nutrients you lose in the process, detox solutions like the Rescue Cleanse Ice Detox Drink from Applied Science are among your best alternatives.
If you are a regular smoker, you want a product that is reliable, healthy, and that works quickly and reliably. Read on to learn more about Rescue Cleanse Ice Detox Drink, including its ingredients, benefits, and directions for use.
Rescue Cleanse Ice Detox Drink 32oz quantity
SKU: Rescue Cleanse 32oz drink
Category: Full Body Detox
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What is Rescue Detox Ice Drinks ?
If you recently smoked or consumed marijuana and have a drug test coming up, you need a product that can temporarily remove the drug toxins from your body so that a lab test cannot detect them.
The Rescue Detox Ice Drink comes from Applied sciences, a trusted company that manufactures a wide range of popular products, including Rescue cleanse ice caps.

Rescue Detox Ice Drink is also known as Applied Sciences detox drinks, but it’s all the same product. Applied Sciences Detox Drink is available in a 17oz and 32-ounce size bottle. The 32-ounce option is typically more affordable per ounce, and its volume is more effective for people with excessive toxins or people who weigh more than 200 pounds.
Keep in mind that the Rescue Cleanse Detox Ice Drink is not a detox drink in the true sense of the word. This product only results in a so-called “clear zone,” which lasts a few hours.

During that time, the toxins in your body are masked. When the clear zone ends, toxins would again show up in a test. According to Applied Science, though, the clear zone lasts for about five hours, so you should have plenty of time if you plan ahead.
Directions for Use
Rescue Detox Drink is easy to use. For optimal results, try to stay away from illicit substances for 72 hours before drinking the Rescue Cleanse Ice drink. Also, don’t eat anything for at least four hours before consuming the detox drink.

On the day of your test, shake the bottle well, and drink its contents over 15 minutes. After drinking the Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink, you have to wait an hour before your body will be in the five-hour clear zone. Try to urinate as much as you can during this hour.
Before the clear zone begins, the Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink will replace the lost vitamins and minerals to ensure that your urine has all the expected ingredients.
Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink contains a proprietary blend of healthy ingredients to mask traces of toxins in your urine for about five hours.

Ingredients include:
Creatine monohydrate
Folic acid
Pantothenic acid
Vitamins B12, B6, and D3
This blend of ingredients is specially formulated to ensure that your urine has the proper contents and color.
Can Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink Help You?
If you are desperate to pass a urine test, you don’t want to rely on a product that isn’t proven to work. The best way to gauge the reliability of Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink is to consider the opinions of people who use it.
According to online reviews and posts on social media, this product is incredibly useful in masking traces of illicit substances in the urine.
Another factor to consider is the brand.

Many marijuana consumers have come to rely on Applied Science’s Detox products when they have a test coming up.
Where to Buy
One of the drawbacks of Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink is that it is not readily available in smoker stores or pharmacies. When shopping for this product, stick to reputable online drug-test avoidance websites or the official web store for Applied Science Detox products.
Purchasing from trusted suppliers will help ensure that you receive a reliable product, the best price, and other benefits, like combo deals and money-back guarantees.
Pros and Cons
Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink from Applied Science offers several advantages over similar detox drinks.

These advantages include:
A clear zone that lasts as long as five hours
A relatively affordable price tag
Suitable for marijuana and nicotine tests
Available in 32-ounce bottle
Effective for heavy smokers
A drawback of this product is that it is not readily available in local outlets. Because of regulatory restrictions, shipping the detox drink internationally is also not always possible.
If you are looking for a reliable detox drink with a relatively long clear zone, Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink is worth considering. A reputable brand manufactures this product, and it contains a proprietary blend of ingredients that are scientifically formulated to mask toxins in your body.
