Concerned About Your Alcohol Intake? Kudzu Could Help

I will discuss how kudzu works, my experience with using powdered kudzu root for alcoholism, and recommendations for taking kudzu. Haloperidol is an antipsychotic that is used to help calm people who are going through alcohol withdrawal. Ethanol, or alcohol, is the top abused substance for addiction treatment attendees, as a survey conducted by Recovery Brands in 2017 shows. Also keep in mind that the safety of supplements in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and those with medical conditions or who are taking medications has not been established. You can get tips on using supplements safely, but if you’re considering the use of kudzu, talk with your primary care provider first. Self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences. After placebo treatment, three people drank five beers and one drank six.

  • Chris Scott founded Fit Recovery in 2014 to help people from around the world dominate alcohol dependence and rebuild their lives from scratch.
  • The last study above was designed to test the hypothesis that kudzu accelerates the subjective experience of alcohol intoxication.
  • Since then it has been incorporated into a variety of TCM herbal formulas for different purposes.
  • A former investment banker, he recovered from alcohol dependence using cutting-edge methods that integrate nutrition, physiology, and behavioral change.
  • Many health stores stock capsules and tinctures containing Kudzu.
  • Most of the human studies conducted have found it safe for treating alcoholism.

High levels of acetaldehyde in the body create an unpleasant reaction to alcohol consumption and thus inhibit further intake. Various components present in kudzu root are found to be beneficial in suppressing alcohol consumption in animal models. While the blood flow theory of kudzu for alcoholism may be true, there is likely more going on here. Kudzu contains several active isoflavones, which are natural plant chemicals with antioxidant effects.

Stop Alcohol Cravings With These Herbal Treatments

In America, kudzu is mostly known as an invasive vine that covers much of the southeastern United States. However, with the expansion of scientific research and growing popular interest in natural remedies, kudzu’s reputation is beginning to expand. If you wish to explore additional treatment options or connect with a specific rehab center, you can browse top-rated listings, visit our homepage and browse by state, or visit SAMHSA. For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, the helpline is a private and convenient solution. Our representatives work solely for AAC and will discuss whether an AAC facility may be an option for you.

kudzu root for alcohol cravings

The BBC conducted a similar study using kudzu root extract instead of pure puerarin. Those who took kudzu beforehand drank kudzu root for alcohol cravings 20 percent less than those who didn’t . In this study, the rats were allowed to drink alcohol for an hour each day.

The reason for this is that kava leaves and root contains antioxidants which refresh and soothe the mind. They can help you to remain strong in the face of temptation and resist the urge to indulge in alcoholic drinks. Herbs which can be used as a remedy for combating alcohol cravings include Dandelion, Kudzu, Milk Thistle, St. John’s Wort, Angelica, Kava, Chamomile, Goldenseal and Iboga. These herbal remedies are covered in detail in this article. Alcohol cravings must be overcome if you want to give up alcohol.

A May 2005 study by Harvard Medical School and New England Research Institutes found that properties of the kudzu plant may cause alcohol to reach the brain more quickly. Drinkers feel the effects sooner and will likely drink less and more slowly. During the seven-day study, 14 subjects were observed in a simulated living room and small kitchen, which was stocked with their favorite beer.

Kudzu also increases heart rate and opens up blood vessels, so it possibly allows alcohol to course more readily around the body. Subsequent trials on humans also provided mainly positive results. After taking kudzu, participants tended to drink about half as many beers as after the placebo and also took more sips and more time to drink each beer.

Kudzu Recovery: My Experience With Kudzu

This enzyme breaks down acetaldehyde derived from alcohol metabolism. So its inhibition may lead to high levels of acetaldehyde in the body thus causing toxicity and producing the unpleasant reaction in response to alcohol intake. My standards for categorizing an herb or drug as a “miracle” supplement are quite high. Something has to create a massive increase in sense of well-being to fit into this category. While kudzu does not quite make the cut, it is definitely worth trying if you’re looking to cut down on or quit drinking. The last study above was designed to test the hypothesis that kudzu accelerates the subjective experience of alcohol intoxication.

Daidzin present in kudzu is proven to reduce blood alcohol levels and reduce the increased sleep duration caused by alcohol, as per an animal study. Alcohol is broken down to acetaldehyde in our body and accumulation of acetaldehyde creates the hangover feeling. Pueraria flos aids in the removal of acetaldehyde and benefits in hangovers while Pueraria lobata increases acetaldehyde levels and creates an aversion to alcohol. Here are the human studies investigating kudzu effects on alcoholism; some of the studies have received grants from NIAAA and NCCAM, but this does not seem to influence study design or results.

For a clinical study to be considered reliable, it is necessary for similar results to be generated from a variety of studies. Studies regarding the use of Kudzu alcoholism may show similar results, however there is not many studies to compare. The Kudzu alcoholism link is one that has caused more than its fair share of controversy.

kudzu root for alcohol cravings

When taking kudzu, you may experience side effects such as itchiness/skin irritation, dizziness or upset stomach. As a dietary supplement, take 1200 mg (heavy 1/3 tsp) once or twice daily, or as directed by a physician.

Daidzein and diadzin are the two compounds that need to be in the preparation. Anti-inflammatory properties are attributed to decreased prostaglandin E2 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha release, both of which are involved in inflammatory processes. The isoflavone tectorigenin demonstrated antiproliferative activity via cell differentiation and reduced expression of Bcl-2, an antiapoptotic protein. In animal studies, peurarin may alleviate chronic alcoholic liver injury via inhibition of endotoxin gut-leakage, activation of Kupffer cells, and expression of lipopolysaccharide receptors. It’s important to note that this is a case study, so it can’t prove kudzu root caused this liver injury. Scientists need to do more research to investigate the potential of kudzu root to cause liver injury in humans.

Suggested Kudzu Supplements For Alcoholism

These include cancer, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and cardiovascular disease . Research is ongoing, but scientists believe that an antioxidant found in the plant known as puerarin, may have something to do with it . Despite conflicting findings, there seems to be a reason to be optimistic regarding the kudzu alcoholism use. For more on herbal treatmentsfor alcoholism, please click the link. An additional conflict would be that the most common thinking for treatment of chronic alcoholism is abstinence. Many alcoholics are referred to detoxification programs, inpatient programs and outpatient programs.

kudzu root for alcohol cravings

Most patients who continued to take controlled-release melatonin at night remained off benzodiazepines six months after the end of the study. My journey started 13-years ago, and I can say that supplements have been a big part and continue to be a vital part of my sustained sobriety.

Should You Take Kudzu For Alcohol Dependence?

There is not enough scientific data to provide a recommended dose of kudzu. Research suggests Addiction that it is most effective when used on a daily basis for preventing symptoms.

kudzu root for alcohol cravings

The kudzu root extract contained puerarin, daidzin, daidzein, genistin, genistein and glycetin. For hundreds of years, practitioners of Chinese medicine have prescribed kudzu root for reducing alcohol intake. Starting in the early 1990s, researchers at Indiana University investigated this effect in rats’and in golden Syrian hamsters, which have a particular liking for alcohol.

Thus, scientists need to do more research in this area on the effects of kudzu root specifically. One small study looked at the effects of kudzu in 17 men ages 21–33 who reported drinking approximately 22–35 drinks per week. The researchers gave participants either kudzu extract or a placebo every day for 4 weeks . Few things that need to be researched upon is whether Pueraria lobata benefits in chronic alcoholism or alcohol addiction and does it clinically aid in alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Also, a better understanding of its mechanism can help in the development of kudzu based therapeutic agents for alcoholism. In the animal study, they observed that daidzein reduced alcohol intake by 75% while daidzin and puerarin brought about a 50% and 40% reduction respectively.

Why Do People Drink?

It’s important to always consult with a physician or healthcare professional before taking any supplements, natural or not. Kudzu has traditionally served as a remedy for diarrhea for over 2,000 years. The Chinese also use it to treat high blood pressure, migraines and inflammation. And recent research now suggests that there may be some validity behind all this. Scientists have identified kudzu root for alcohol cravings over 70 phytonutrients in kudzu root, and a high concentration of flavonoids, in particular . The study used patients with a diagnosis of chronic alcoholism and found that Kudzu root appeared to be just as effect as a placebo in decreasing alcohol cravings. But be warned as many of these preparations do not contain enough of the important active ingredients said to reduce alcohol cravings.

However, there is another study that calls into question the usefulness of Kudzu for alcoholism. Those who took kudzu pills drank an average of 1.8 beers as against the 3.5 beers taken by those who were given placebos. Be wary of kudzu preparations purchased in herbal stores, many of their products contain very little of the ingredients they claim to. When someone is struggling with a health concern, it is normal to look for something to be used to beat it. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

It is not a miracle herb for sobriety but what one can expect is a modest reduction in alcohol intake which is visible within 2-3 weeks of therapy and reduced or no side effects. It can serve as an adjunct therapy and help in reducing or eliminating binge drinking.

Author: Alyssa Peckham